The other day I posted about being a lamp. How I felt that God was calling me to shine in this world. I know that we are all called to shine, sometimes it just takes some of us longer to figure out how than it does for others.
The same day I wrote that post I had gotten up and gone to work at 7, around 10 that morning, a woman came in to ship a package. She had been visiting my town (I think her mother is in a nursing home here,) and was getting ready to fly home to Arizona. The nursing home had a book sale while she was here and she didn't have enough room in her bag to send what she bought home, so she came to ship the box back to her house. As I packaged up her box she had complimented me on a necklace I was wearing and I giggled and said it was from Forever21 and was probably about $5. She explained that she usually didn't spend a lot of money on jewelry or purses either but shoes were a different story, she told me she had worn heels in her younger years and that her feet had a high arch and were very narrow. I explained that I love heels but I only ever wear them to church because I work on my feet all day. She perked up pretty quick and asked about where I go to church and if I was raised in a Christian home. I told her that my home was not a Christian based home and she asked when and how I had become saved. I told her about high school and how I came to know Christ and in return she told me a little of her story. She had been married and divorced twice and both of her husbands had different viewpoints on Christianity, they were both Christians, but she just never felt right about it. She explained after her first husband had betrayed her with his secretary, she was just like I was in high school. All over the place and drank a lot. However, she had a strong Lutheran background. Then she told me that she was slowly trying to get back into her faith but she just hadn't found "the perfect church." Her story truly touched my heart and I could see that she was encouraged as she left. It gave me joy to know that my ordinary story touched someone so deeply.
This woman was probably in her late 60's or early 70's, it really reinstated for me that it is never to late to turn back to God. It's never too late to grab ahold of His hand and become a light for Him. I had explained to her that when the person who introduced me to Jesus was explaining salvation to me, I kept telling him that I was "too far gone" for God. I could tell she felt this way too.
Let me just say that we are never too far gone for God. There is no where that He cannot go. No depths He cannot reach. No darkness that He cannot bring light to. His love stretches over each and every one of us.
"For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions."
-Psalm 103:11-12
So wherever you are, whatever you're going through...just know that God is right there. Call upon Him if you need strength or love or just to cry. He is holding you in the palm of His hand. Also remember that you don't have to have a PhD to share your testimony, you can be an ordinary person goin throughout your day and an opportunity to help change someone's life can be placed right in front of you. Just introduce yourself and let God do the rest.
Here is a picture I did just to help remind me of Psalm 103...feel free to use it as a background on your phone or whatever you wish! Love to all y'all!

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I love each and every one of your comments. They make my day & I will reply back to all of you and visit your blog too :) Have a fabulous day♥